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Health - Themed BINGO Night


Randolph Cancer Center’s Kelli Mosher, PA-C, will call a fun and unique round of health-themed Bingo, March 15th, 2106, from 5:30 - 6:30 P.M., in Randolph Hospital’s Private Dining Room, open to anyone who enjoys a night out, playing Bingo and wouldn’t mind the opportunity to win great prizes, including movie passes, gas cards and Chick-fil-A gift cards.

This particular game will be unique as it’s structured to highlight the importance of colonoscopies, the only screening test that can prevent cancer, increase awareness of colorectal cancer and address many of the most common questions surrounding the these topics. Colorectal cancer is the third most common type of cancer with 93,000 new diagnoses expected in 2016. It is also the third-leading cause of cancer-related death in the United States. However, those diagnosed with colorectal cancer in the early stages have nearly a 90 percent survival rate.

This event is one of Randolph Hospital and Randolph Cancer Center’s community education events offered each month to promote health and wellness.
Type: Class
Preregistration: Not required
Phone: 336-633-7788
Cost: Free
Language: English

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